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Youth Hangout Aug 2022.jpg


Vision Statement: “College Ready Faith”

Psalm 119:9 “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.”


We live in a time when our youth are taught that life has no ultimate meaning, all truth is relative, morality is defined by one’s feelings, and feelings are the definer of truth.  Every day sees the story of the Fall reenacted where our youth are tempted by the new serpent of post-modernism to become like God in determining what’s right and wrong for themselves. Shrouded in a fog of lies, half-truths, and deception, they no longer are able to see God in nature or recognize his voice or his word. We are called to proclaim the TRUTH, set them free, and equip them to tackle life with the power of the living God.

The Youth Ministry at CCC is committed to

  • Making real the God of the Bible as the Creator, our Savior, and our Lord.

  • Making real the peace, joy, love, hope, satisfaction, and enjoyment that comes from God.

  • Making real what it means to be a Christian and a disciple of Jesus Christ.

  • Making real to our youth why they should want to be a Christian.

  • Encouraging and mentoring our youth to choose God.

  • Teaching and encouraging our youth to stand firm in faith.


Worship: Sunday 11:30am

Small group meeting: Sunday 12:15pm

Teachers:  Minjae Cheong, Yewon Kim, and Sean Fung-On


(650) 701-7012

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468 Grand St, Redwood City, CA 94062, USA

©2024 by Cornerstone Community Church.

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